• Find out how Macmillan can help you if you or someone you love is dealing with cancer
  • Know how various financial products and options can help you in your time of need

Read time

13 mins

Chapter 1


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2 mins

As well as the physical challenge of cancer and cancer treatment, most people find that there’s also an unexpected impact on their finances.

You might have to stop working for a while, which affects your income. You may have additional travel costs for hospital visits. You may have to pay for extra childcare or for extra help around the house. You may need the heat turned up at home which is particularly acute in the winter months.

So, at a time when you should be focusing on your health, you may end up worrying more about your finances.

Scottish Widows is working with Macmillan Cancer Support to help you formulate the best plan for your life; financially, emotionally, and physically.

We encourage you to get in touch as soon as possible so that we can plan together, rather than leaving you to worry alone.

Together, we will do whatever it takes to ensure you get the support you need.

Chapter 2


Read time

3 mins

Read about Lloyd's experience of accessing benefits and financial support

Macmillan Cancer Support and Scottish Widows working together.

Scottish Widows has partnered with Macmillan Cancer Support to help customers affected by cancer.

If you are a Scottish Widows customer, you can access support from Macmillan by calling 0808 501 3600

You can still access support from Macmillan if you are not a Scottish Widows customer. Visit chapter 3 to find out about the different ways you can contact them.


Ways in which Macmillan can help

Financial support

Macmillan is there for you if you're worried about how cancer will affect your finances. Their advisers can help you to find the right type of support for you, including welfare rights advice, energy advice and they can identify if you're entitled to any benefit support.


Emotional support

A cancer diagnosis can be a lot to handle, no matter what stage of the journey you are at, Macmillan is there to support you from diagnosis and beyond. Macmillan Cancer Support Line offers help to you and your loved ones. There are also 900 local groups across the UK, as well as online or telephone options.


Practical support

Living with cancer can change your day-to-day life. Sometimes the easiest of tasks can be harder to do. Macmillan is there to listen and support you wherever help is needed. As well as online communities and local support groups, Macmillan also has information and support centres across the UK for people affected by cancer.


Work support

The law protects you from being treated unfairly if you have or have had cancer. Macmillan has information on your rights that will help you talk to your employer. Macmillan also provides help to the self-employed, carers and employers as well, with training and resources offered to support staff affected by cancer.


Clincal support

Macmillan nurses can support you through your cancer journey. They are specialists at what they do, helping you understand your cancer diagnosis and treatment options. A clinical nurse specialist (CNS) can support you with gathering medical evidence required, such as letters from your GP or consultant, which may be needed by us to pay your protection policy.


Online community support

The Macmillan community is free to join. It’s place for people who are affected by cancer to talk about the problems they face, at any stage of their journey. You can connect with people going through similar experiences, who can give you practical tips and emotional support. You also have the option to speak anonymously.

Chapter 3


Read time

3 mins

Get help from Macmillan Cancer Support:


Macmillan is also here to support you. If you would like to talk, you can:

Chapter 4


Read time

1 min

Shorter days and cold, wet weather mean people don’t go out walking as much as they’d like, and the rise in fuel costs can be worrying. There are greater concerns about the effect of Coronavirus during the winter. Macmillan is here for a chat about your worries, and to help as much as possible.

Chapter 5


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3 mins

Life assurance products

Terminal illness cover is often automatically included, though it is worth checking if this is true for your policy. This cover is payable if the life assured has a definite diagnosis by the attending consultant of an illness that confirms both:

  • The illness either has no known cure or has progressed to the point where it cannot be cured; and
  • In the opinion of the attending consultant, the illness is expected to lead to death within 12 months.

Once the sum assured has been paid Life Cover will end and no more premiums will be collected.



If you have a pension with Scottish Widows or other providers and are unable to work due to ill-health you may be able to access your pensions before age 55.

Those with a terminal illness may be able to take the value of their pension as a serious ill-health lump sum – which is tax-free if they’re under age 75, but taxable for the over 75s. Tax treatment will depend on your circumstances at the time of claiming. Get in touch to find out more.

Chapter 6


Read time

3 mins

Many banks have specialist services for people affected by cancer and long- term illness. If you have a mortgage, get in touch with your bank as soon as you can, so that they can help you with a plan for what you need going forward. In some cases, they might be able to arrange a mortgage-break, but in all cases, they should be there to help you have some clarity and control over your financial life.

Scottish Widows Be Money Well is committed to providing information in a way that is accessible and useful for our users. This information, however, is not in any way intended to amount to authority or advice on which reliance should be placed. You should seek professional advice as appropriate and required. Any sites, products or services named in this module are just examples of what's available. Scottish Widows does not endorse the services they provide. The information in this module was last updated on 30th January 2025.